Amicus US Death Penalty Spring Training 2021
Weekend 1: Friday 5th to Sunday 7th March 2021 & Weekend 2: Friday 19th to Sunday 21st March 2021
Mark George QC of our Criminal Defence and Appeals team will be speaking on Capital Trial Practice and Procedure and Appeals in State and Federal Court
Each day of the training is mandatory with the exception of the introductory event on Friday 5th March. That said, this is when we will hear from Amicus alumni and exonerees which promises to be an interesting opening session!
The training is being held remotely with a combination of pre-recorded and live panel sessions. Secure your place through the Amicus website The event will be hosted via Zoom and you will receive your Zoom link before the event.
When: 05 Mar 2021 - 07 Mar 2021
Start time: 09:00
End time: 18:00