Court of Protection
We are currently recruiting Court of Protection barristers. Find out more about tenancy here.
Listen to Ben McCormack, Rory O’Ryan and Kerry Smith discussing why they enjoy practicing at Garden Court North below.
Our team of Court of Protection barristers cover a wide range of cases, from health and welfare applications and cases involving deprivation of liberty, to enduring powers of attorney and property and financial cases. The focus of much of our Court of Protection work is in acting for individuals or families who are party to ‘welfare’ proceedings about a wide range of issues that can affect people’s lives; family contact, place of residence, type of care and support, and the conduct of intimate and personal relationships.
Members of our team have acted in cases before the Court that engage a range of topical and often difficult issues – for example religious and cultural freedoms, transgender rights, forced marriage, and access to sex workers.
We also act in related matters such as guardianship/nearest relative displacement proceedings, and in cases brought under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court to protect vulnerable adults. We also have extensive experience of representing protected parties in other types of civil proceedings.
Court of Protection cases often have an overlap with other areas of social welfare law, and this is an area in which all of our team members have a particular expertise. We have complimentary and extensive experience of clients with capacity issues or multiple and complex needs in their other practice areas including housing, immigration, community care, mental health and welfare benefits.
If you would like to find out more about our Court of Protection team or the individual Court of Protection barristers’ work please contact the Practice Management Team on 0161 817 6377 or at
‘…the team offers profound advice and acts for disabled adults and other parties including litigation friends. The team are ‘experts in their fields’ and ‘willing to go the extra mile’ to assist in cases’
– The Legal 500, 2021
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