GCN Webinar: On police powers and the Coronavirus Act 2020: is Lord Sumption right?

In this new age of the Coronavirus, where innocent pastimes attract police attention and arguably sensible measures to enforce social distancing may result in police fines, Pete Weatherby Q.C., Mira Hammad, Christian Weaver and Mark George Q.C. discuss police powers under the Coronavirus Act 2020, what they mean and how they have been implemented so far.

Is Lord Sumption right: have we entered a police state or are the police doing no more than is necessary to keep us all safe?

This webinar is free of charge, and will be presented remotely.

Upon registration, you will receive by email a link to a Microsoft Teams Live Event. Please follow the instructions in the link to attend.

When: 09 Apr 2020
Start time: 16:30
End time: 17:30

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To book your place on this seminar, please use the booking form below. If you have any queries please email the Practice Management Team at gcn@gcnchambers.co.uk.

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