Sex and Brain Injury: Controversy & Opportunity
Ben McCormack, from our Court of Protection team, will be speaking at a one-day conference – Sex and Brain Injury: Controversy & Opportunity discussing the case of Secretary of State for Justice v C and others [2021]
The event will be held at One Great George Street, London on Wednesday 28 June.
For more information and to book tickets follow this link.
From the organisers:
‘Sexuality and sensuality are core dimensions of the human condition, yet the expression and participation in these aspects of life are limited or unavailable to many people with disabilities. While brain injury services often aim for holistic care and support, the dimension of sexuality commonly remains neglected. Repeated studies have shown that conversations around sexuality and sexual needs post-injury are rarely initiated by professionals, despite a wish to explore this topic by survivors.
‘Supporting sexuality after brain injury has always been a neglected and uncertain area for professionals, survivors and significant others. Unfortunately, recent case law has only served to increase ambiguity and confusion, resulting in further shutting down sexuality conversations and a widening of the gap between need and support.
‘Never before have professionals from health, social, legal, sexual surrogacy provision and survivors themselves shared their knowledge and experience through debate and conversation of policy and lived experience. This unique and pioneering gathering is all the more timely, given the restricting influence of recent case law on professional thinking and support provision.
‘This ground-breaking conference brings together clinicians, legal professionals involved in recent case law, sexual surrogates and survivors, to bring the conversation out of the shadows at this much needed time. Attendees can expect to increase their knowledge of survivor support needs in the area of sexuality, current relevant law and the implications of such for professional practice. Furthermore, the new conversations that will be generated in the panel discussions and audience contributions throughout the day will path the way for informed and responsive contemporary practice across professions and sectors.
Delegates are invited to bring their own cases and professional dilemmas to explore in conversation throughout the day.’
When: 28 Jun 2023
Start time: 08:50
End time: 17:00