Emailing documents to Garden Court North Chambers
18 September 2017
I would like to instruct a barrister at Garden Court North Chambers. Can I send the papers by email?
Garden Court North Chambers is happy to receive briefs, court papers, trial bundles and other documents by email.
Emailing documents to Chambers has several advantages (including speed, and avoiding the costs of printing and physical delivery), but can have one particular disadvantage. When documents are physically delivered to Chambers they are in a certain order, but unfortunately that order can be lost when they are emailed – which can cause all sorts of problems.
In order to minimise this disadvantage, Chambers would be grateful if emailed documents could be sent in the following way:
- Please sort the papers into the order by which you wish them to be read/the order in the trial bundle. Where possible, please provide an index to the papers and number them;
- Rather than send individual documents as attachments, please send the ordered papers in as few as possible attachments (eg, an attachment containing the first hundred pages, an attachment containing the second hundred pages and so on);
- Where possible, please name the attachment using the client’s name and a number indicating the order in which the attachments should be read (eg, John Smith 1, John Smith 2 and so on); and
- Where possible, please send the attachments as PDFs (note, Word documents can be easily saved as PDFs by changing the format in the ‘Save As’ option in Word).